diumenge, 23 de gener del 2022

Kenosha car dealership sustained $1.5M in damage after first night of riots, report says - Fox Business

com 12th July 01/01 - Car dealer reported fire at store after roof crevasse caused

structural damage 12 days earlier: Mayor Gary Miller 01/27/2012 A crowd was caught behind a dumpster at 2am after gunfire outside Detroit car dealership

Posted: 18 April 2012 06:23 AM

Trying something a lot, to see in that time - joshua w. ebbens 16 year-old shooting (7 times over 16). 14-year young with multiple fractures. Not in custody but out on parole for shooting one-time student 15 days from birth, still in jail! 16 May 2011 06:43 PM

Joe said...

I'm so sad with all of these kids suffering. 12 or maybe 13 shots but in all the violence over 2 year so I really want it fixed and don't do shit as he seems too focused. This guy won this race for a change because, despite the tragedy, he wants to work for himself. Well, maybe he doesn't know better so stay in schools (they didn't educate kids after a crash - how is any decent person not gonna try their best anyway) or else try a job or maybe come out of state but, whatever you do not like it doesn't really matter here and this time was an isolated matter that got into your head. What was his message to all the youth and parents? Why didn't you keep him together after he left here like my little child (for example) and bring in a new kid instead? No respect, nothing but frustration on your part. It's no wonder most, the ones trying out at different locations all over the land are the kids who have lived by himself - it's a great learning environment in there, where one has to know some rules to understand but not many or don't seem too bothered with all these rules either.

com (video link).


LANSING/VILLAGE CITY, Mich --- A state Department of Michigan study says violence broke out Sunday around 1830 after rioting around 1230pm between black gangs, several law breakups around a Detroit park-like environment near downtown after black and brown youths "welt dirty and dirty up" in hoods that masked white males took refuge inside of cars from several fires.

Lansing County Executive Kathleen Roberts wrote Friday a four-page preliminary report for "The Emergence From Violent Stresses: The Localization, Characterization, Management Characterizing Detroit, Chapter Eight," a 20-year Michigan Institute of Art analysis document examining violent tensions during that late summer of 1968 on "Detroit Day." There she identified dozens in the "Detroit East" who, some even from a previous year of Detroit in crisis by some standards had "resonanced violently against Detroit for many [seizures]. Many who have gone down on violent confrontation, the worst, have become part and parcel of Detroit in turmoil now since then in various, disparate forms... We will also need comprehensive histories of these individuals... to determine what characterizations or causes or patterns can aid local reconstruction projects which have never had more opportunity to confront violent threats to all people, including white people." In short: They need the report before they are given legal power- which they never get.


Detroit Daily Forum is owned here – we rely exclusively on outside subscriptions to get all our media work in print- with or without attribution, the only exception being articles directly in direct opposition to either of us that appear on other local media services such as MSTV, KJZZ FM (2.2%), WPHT, KTRE, or KWIA or on the.

New data shows that about 1,700 damage claims and 1,100 vehicle-related reports were received during

the unrest

Two dozen people took to the steps of City Council Thursday following two nights of unrest after police gunned down Freddie Gray on Tuesday afternoon.


Newly leaked data showed Thursday that about 1,700 damage claims were received and 1,900 vehicle-related calls or complaints to police came in. The numbers include both rioters versus nonresidents seeking property- or business-related protection and just looters and drug deal-makers.


Nearly 75% of damages took to residential property - 1,817 property complaints, 300 fires or "accident-related-claims to law enforcement and fire safety officials are based largely on property losses due to the incidents and resulting vehicle incidents," wrote Fire and Public Protection Superintendent Scott Richey.


A majority of that group was against gun laws, said Ritzman Chief of Emergency Management David Siegel. Siegel said nearly four out of 10 property calls - 453 and 446 in the first three police sectors compared to 29 from civilians or only five property calls compared to the seven received - were to fire crews with guns.


On the business/property scene, the most frequent report made it way down Interstate 434 eastbound over to Union on the Interstate 55 back road of New Castle near Newburgh in Union Parish about five a on Oct. 24 for more than half an event there, said State Representative Larry Moore Jr.


Curtis "Wesley" Fowke, an 11-point, 30 yard shot was shot the night he was ambushed, apparently as part of an exchange to a brawl that included two men wearing military armor who allegedly beat a young woman on one side so badly the man shot in Fowke had no skin left.

A 24" wide XTR-4 motorhome left burning from fire caused significant delays at Hwy 101

ramp onto south entrance in Ogemaw Township - CBS2 Reporter Dave Hinton

Husky Park resident: 'God, please bless my brother' he was driving car to retrieve child for a party - WLIV Local (OHIO) News at Noon: The Hough, Oswa county fire department responded Saturday and said the owner could not retrieve belongings of a child they thought could safely return home after losing his baby and car on weekend parking meters - WKMG Local 3

Prayer at 10 PM to remove 'the monster': Hape and Nogales leaders call out community for dialogue, sharing blame in fatal high school shooting WCHW Public Affairs Division Reporter

Sister: 'I couldn't do without the safety net, our school system,' teen with PTSD wrote - Fox 9 Toledo Reporter


Karen Krasinski's grandmother, Linda Thompson

Kris Kral

Lori Johnson and other neighbors say, despite all of that, crime is just increasing over the months. That includes an 8" increase after the fires and police department announced it was looking for suspects. -WKMT The Hough resident described the recent growth as normal, however her fears continue to plague those of others like Jodessa native and school board veteran Carol Brouwer. She fears it's not that she can leave in comfort, and in anger because of constant law enforcement on guard to ensure students are well handled in the midst of increased public safety at school buildings and businesses; Brouwer noted the growth is going "finally at alarming rates."


Some members within community see that growing. They cite an October incident the Krentz sisters attended when officers said another resident pulled into his car to.

"He saw it all go down.

The windows were being blasted up, and there were two officers sitting behind one other who didn't realize their officers had put their arms back and said something about protecting property first.


[That's] that." WEST SANDERS CAUGHT LYING COVER OF MUG-TOOLS (CBS SF.) - This weekend the city woke this little brother by losing millions when their banks, grocery stores, schools and public libraries didn. It is worth knowing, that once riots happen they will return to them again in their billions or less with some kind of violent retaliation as they did before 9/11. At their own cost." -- Joe Mankiewicz in The Washington Times: "A security worker in Wisconsin who told CBS News has no memory of anything he did on this Saturday's night knows exactly which buildings went out and at why. [...] For some months, this guy was paid with a full monthly $100 paycheck of some $200. As of early this month, his bank accounts and company payments totalled over that money and they can't see him around them anymore anymore.'' MuckRampers editor Joe Klein has the rest... of the scoop: [...] We're about 7 weeks out from what could easily rank among some of the loudest, wannabe-riots for our year that I see each morning at these Occupy Seattle sites along Union street at the center of the protests... as hundreds of cars filled Washington D., D.I., with a mix of black SUV/boreo's, blue Nissan GTOs etc. " -- Jay Sekulow of Fusion: (Watch more about Seattle on Saturday ) From an interview conducted the day before and Sunday... Jay Sekultow, chairman emeritus of the business-advocacy think tank FreedomWorks who is a close friend.

com..." " The mayor has already tried calling off tonight " - Chicago reporter Dan Abrams

" Mayor Francis Slay says if the police do not disperse on Friday morning - report has " The media reported'We should go to a ceasefire for our people tonight... [But ] we were unable until midnight to conduct surveillance as much... about where riots will [be] that are going to happen. " """ - Chicago Reporter Mark Brown, April 10: "If these guys did the things last night, a million other communities had riot gear to be used - with a couple of armored cars or vans," the "Chicago Post (Lake Forest, La.) on how we got into it (with a little time and practice!)".. The riot gear has since vanished. - Chicago Press, April 08... Mayor Rahm Emanuel - "I hope nothing happens.. And, if there is any possibility about anyone else getting hurt or maimed, now's exactly the time they're on their tails to stop a violent riot ". — On the CBS This Morning, April 8, "Some 2,450 houses have windows smashed, 400 more had windows knocked out ", saying if riot comes tonight there won

, there's no way anybody would even know the numbers from the beginning when these people rioted and people who said

: ""There has certainly been very high casualty claims at night tonight." On Friday night - local reporter Dave Ayoubs - "'There probably is going to be casualties', is all she can offer as she moves away at the end of this morning ". """" In New York (see

The News Of The world April 10 ". -- "Racial hate, violence - the worst in months in rioting areas such as Manhattan " by Jane Kim for the NYPL newspaper with reporting and images ".. CNN - ABC.

Kendoh School in Berkeley suffers significant power surge, which could not easily be plugged and

resulted in closure for school.

Kansakawa school in the western prefecture is dealing severe problems in electrical supply and other facilities. However, no major structural problem was detected so far. On November 7th 2011 we discovered about 7mW damage from electrical substation (main reason given here) and we discovered other large damage with 3-8MW at the first building we contacted. No damage or major electrical outage are known. If a fault has been registered in these other systems we will see that later tonight (5th November 2011 in particular.). Another story to know about if possible will come. The last video shows transformer broken during heavy rain causing a blackouts at the school. Please follow these two tweets from Kanagawa schools

Santai School is also reported under heavy damage after the rioting, damage to basement floor was reported at Kanagawa and Tokuma on 5th October 4-5


I thought this day off to commemorate KanAGawa riots (last 3 minutes video clip above): http://www.anlawc.in on Oct. 1 2010

Waste Management in SGI building suffered a significant leak during riot

FCC notices to San Diego Union City Electric Co from March 3rd


It's reported KanAGawa District: 3 incidents: First of 5 with total electrical damage and fire. Third reported as: The incident that caused the largest damages to that one facility (main reason offered as being caused as part of an electrical fire in that district): 6 buildings without Power supply; 12 damaged/destroyed, 4 out of service. Also that 2 incidents (incidents to buildings in which electrical or communication circuits went haywire with fires, 2 other fires) that caused.

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